A Thousand Words
Ramblings and musings of an incurable photo geek.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Two Wheels To Work: Meet Branson and Aubrey

Branson has been a bike commuter for about 20 years, and now commutes 8 miles each way with his 3 year old son Aubrey in a bike trailer behind his fixed-gear bicycle. He says bike commuting has helped keep him in shape, reduced his carbon footprint, and has given him another cool thing to share with his son. Aubrey has quickly become a big fan of cycling, and now has his own "big boy bike" with training wheels!

Branson says cycling has made him a happier person and has allowed him to experience places and things that he never thought possible. Most recently, cycling took him to France for his second participation in the once-every-four-years Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 Kilometer bike ride, one of the oldest cycling events still regularly taking place. He completed the over 750 mile course in good time- riding a fixed-gear, of course.

When asked what advice he’d like to give motorists, Branson says “We’re human beings too- look after us, as you would want us to look after you." If you see him and Aubrey out on the road, slow down, give them a wave hello and plenty of space when passing.

1 comment:

bullcitybiker said...

Great job, Bryan! Lord knows you gotta be good to keep me from cracking a lens..

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your wonderful project-

Branson (and Aubrey)