A Thousand Words
Ramblings and musings of an incurable photo geek.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'll fix it in post...

Digital capture can be a really nice thing. You can grab all sorts of images and then decide later which look to apply to each individual frame. You can change your mind. Make a variety of "finals." Some of us tend to do more post-processing than others. I think sometimes it can really complement the images and sometimes folks go to far and the treatment they apply to the images becomes distracting, or suggests to the viewer that the photographer has tried to make a weak image more interesting.

Recently I have been shooting some personal work with my Leica Rangefinder on film. Yes, they still make film. Remember when we had to decide what look we wanted the final image to have BEFORE we shot the images? Remember when we would choose from our favorite emulsions as an artist would choose his palette? Remember when we would capture a latent image on film, but couldn't view it instantly? How about that moment when you clicked the shutter and just KNEW you had that shot in the can, and the anticipation of processing the film and then looking to see if you were right?

cross-processed color film

high-speed black & white

These images were scanned and adjusted for density, color, contrast, and crop. I love the looks, and I've spent a lot of time in post-processing digital captures trying to achieve these exact same looks! Still, there's a certain satisfaction that comes from the deliberate intent that goes along with shooting film. Especially when it turns out right...

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