A Thousand Words
Ramblings and musings of an incurable photo geek.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Portraits From Bentonville #6

Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

This one is sort of a follow-up from the last one, with an interesting side story… When I arrived at the Bentonville reenactment and started looking for shots, this gentleman was the first person I spotted. He had started a small fire and was heating up a snack of salt pork (that explains the look on his face in the previous photo!) I shot these two frames, thanked him and moved on. Shortly I realized that I'd failed to get his contact info so if the shots were great I could send him a copy. Walked back but didn't see him. The rest of the day I was pretty good about collecting email addresses.

After I posted the previous shot I got a message from a Facebook friend who recognized him and got me in touch! Amazing. There were hundreds of re-enacters out there- what are the odds? Small world.

Portraits From Bentonville #5

Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

Monday, March 30, 2015

Portraits From Bentonville #4

 Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Portraits From Bentonville #3

Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Portraits From Bentonville #2

Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

Portraits From Bentonville #1

Pentax 67 w/105mm f2.4
PlusX in HC110 dilB
Scanned from the negative

I attended the 150th Battle of Bentonville Civil War reenactment and shot a series of portraits with black & white medium format film. I still have a lot to scan, so there will be more of these soon!