A Thousand Words
Ramblings and musings of an incurable photo geek.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two Wheels To Work: a new project

Every morning millions of Americans get up, get ready, and head out the door on their way to work. Most do so in cars, some take mass transit, but a few commute to work by bicycle. The people trapped in their cars usually see the cyclists as obstacles in their way, not as fellow human beings heading to work. I want to show the faces of these bike commuters- show that they are fathers & mothers, sons & daughters, husbands & wives, brothers & sisters, just trying to get where they're going like everyone else.

I'm photographing commuters on their usual route- whether it's quiet neighborhoods, bike paths, or busy city streets. They're wearing what they usually ride in, spandex or regular clothes. Some have fancy road bikes, some single speeds or fixies, and some city bikes or cruisers. So far I've photographed six sessions and I have eleven more on the way!