In the summer of 2010 I read about the demise of Kodachrome, and about
Steve McCurry's project to shoot the last roll of the magic emulsion that made all the world a sunny day. True, it wasn't the last roll in existence (I still have an un-shot roll!) but it was the last roll to be produced by Kodak, and Dwayne's Photo (the last lab still running the K-14 process) was set to discontinue processing on December 30th, 2010. The end of an era.
A few weeks after reading the article I was cleaning out a box and there it was- a shot roll of Kodachrome 64! What was on it? How old was it? Obviously I hadn't thought it important enough to ship off for processing whenever I shot it, but if I didn't send it off before the end of the year those latent images would never see the light of day. I kept putting it off, though, and eventually found myself up against the deadline and shipped it. It took over a month to come back- Dwayne must've been slammed with nostalgic Kodachrome users!
As near as I can figure, one fall day in about 2001 Jo and I took a walk around my family's farm in Yadkin County, NC. I carried a camera, loaded with K64. We were engaged then, and we were thinking about having the wedding at the old farmhouse. We eventually did have a beautiful wedding there.
Mostly I photographed Jo, but I also took some shots of the old barn, built by my Great Grandfather just before the turn of the century. The land has been in my family for 5 generations, and I have fond memories of family reunions and spending Christmas with my Grandmother there. She always had glass bottle Cokes and had a croquet set on the porch ready for us kids to go out and play in the field. As an homage we had the glass Cokes and the croquet at the wedding, along with badminton, horseshoes, and chess! Pretty sure folks had fun, and that's how we like it at the farm.

Seeing those slides come back from Dwayne's Photo put a little smile on my face. I can't think of any better subjects for MY last roll of Kodachrome- the love of my life and one of my favorite places on earth.